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Training Events

Hiking meet up group
Once a month get out in nature! Meet up and hike a 3-7 mile trail with a great community. Need to join the carpool? Have a suggestion for a trail? Let us know!

Open Mat
Currently on Saturday and Sunday
Take advantage of hours with no organized classes or coaching. Meet friends, roll, workout, hit the bags, try new things!

Pound For Pound Best
1st annual pound for pound best athlete competition will be taking place this month! Competition will include live 1 on 1 face offs, group heats, and individual sets.
Stage 1 Push ups
Stage 2 Pull up
Stage 3 Over head Press
Stage 4 Under hand Row
Stage 5 Dips
Stage 6 Front Squat
Stage 7 Dead lift
Stage 8 Broad Jump
Stage 9 100 m
Stage 10 3 mile
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